Sunday, November 15, 2009

Maven2: [WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!

[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!

Maven2 warning as above is because of the fact that maven2 plugins uses platform default encoding if no explicit file encoding has been provided in the plugin configuration. The usages of the platform encoding makes the build platform dependent hence the maven2 is bound to raise an alarm as build artifact/resources become irreproducible.

To suppress the Warning in maven2 environment we have to use the properties as below

make world open.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Removing singleline and multiline comments from XML files.

Thou most of the XML parsers are capable of ignoring XML comments(<!-- -->) but while XML file processing through bash shell scripts makes life tough.

Came across such scenario recently where had to remove all the comments from XML file before processing it through grep, sed, awk and other bash shell utilities.

Sed proved to be a handy tool to remove all the single and multiline comments from the XML files.

Sample XML file. [Assuming filename as sample.xml]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
If the message tag does not contain a definition of a property,
the default value will be used.

<!-- some comment --
<!-- another comment -->

This is another multiline comment.
Command below would be able to remove all the comments in the sample.xml file

$ cat sample| sed '/<!--.*-->/d'| sed '/<!--/,/-->/d'

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
make world open.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It's sMashup time at RSA.

Keep busy.

cheers, make world open.

Friday, May 08, 2009

RSA Unconference

At RSA Unconference got to know "OS is dead!!!."

make world open.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Barcamp Bangalore - BCB8 @ Yahoo !!!

Live up the spirit of barcamp 8, get yourself involved.
Sessions are lined up with 5 tracks in place , we had an introduction session just concluded.
As usual one can see lots of people at session put area and we are all set for first session Brand You 2.0 by Altius consulting .

Session about Software Testing was electrifying. Thanks to Pradeep Soundararajan

Some of his thoughts.
- Software testing is a mental martial art.
- Difference between Monkey testing(without test case) and Guriella testing (more agressive).
- Motivate people for software testing.
- Fail in java/c++ . You land yourself in software testing as if you have been jailed.
- Most fakers in software testing.
- Learning testing through slides is not possible, one need to practice software testing.
His concern, can one learn driving a car by just mugging up 3000 slides but one can test software by seeing 3000 slides.
- Software testing is about improving quality is a myth. Software testing cannot improve quality. it is just identifying the problem and sometime solution.
- Most part of the software is invisible to software tester.
- Automation is testing one buggy software with another buggy software (Automation Tool)
- Test automation is faster is a myth. It is like comparing machine with a tester.
- Testing is boring..
- Not finding a bug is also a testing and test cases are valid.
- More you are trying to measure, more you are disturbing a system.
- Suggestion for freshers. Don't believe anyone. Always be skeptical, be Sherlock Homes and question every small change/things. Career decision has to be taken by you only not anyone.
Saifi Khan from Twincling advocated the open source development model and came up with numerous examples of open source projects. He talked about why/how projects get forked and ways by which one can save open source projects getting forked.

make world open

Monday, January 19, 2009

Fedora core 10 on VMware ESX server 3.5.0 network interface eth0 issue.

Network interface eth0 was not coming up at boot time irrespective of being configured properly. Chkconfig was also properly configured for network services for run levels 2 3 4 5.

Issue is that... By default i could see ONBOOT flag set to no "ONBOOT=no" in the configuration script /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Modifying it to ONBOOT=yes did the trick.

etho network interface came up properly in next boot cycle.
