Thursday, June 30, 2005

There is always an 'X.X......' at the end..

Got these lines form "Rahul Upakare" website.

MGPT is a battle.
You have to fight with grader.
Grader has two doors.
Doors are the main problems for you.
You have already got the information of both the doors.
Your job is to understand doors information completely.
Understand the structure of the door and implement the key to open the door.
The door lock may have 4/5 levers.
You have no idea how many levers are there and what is their structure.
But you can guess that from the information you have about the doors.
You have limited time and within that time you have to implement that key and try to open the door.
You will win if you manage to open the door within that specified time.

I don't have anything to say. I am still there and thinking of the same problem, solving in my mind with numerous combinations.
Yesterday i had a sound sleep otherwise i would have gone mad.
I am coming and someday i will.......

Saturday, June 18, 2005

NTLDR is missing...

I have a dual boot system with win2000 and FC-3. I was installing some software and playing around with the bootloader.
After some time when i rebooted the system and tried to boot in win2000 it gave me the message saying "NTLDR is missing , press ctrl+alt+del to restart".

The problem with the booting in win2000 is caused because of "ntldr, and boot.ini" files.

What i did to rectify the problem is booted in FC-3 and copied file boot.ini from win partition to a floppy and downloaded files '' and 'ntldr' from the internet and copied to the same floppy.

After that i rebooted the system with the floppy and it worked, i found that the 'ntldr' file is renamed as 'ntldv'. I renamed that file to 'ntldr' and rebooted again to win.

And it worked.

The "NTLDR is missing" error can also be caused because of certain changes in hardware configuration like having a floppy in floppy drive while booting the system.